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Landfill firm hires ex-Metro Vancouver treasurer as lobbyist

Landfill firm hires ex-Metro Vancouver treasurer as lobbyist

Cache Creek dump operator Belkorp opposes new garbage incinerator, promotes material recovery as alternative
H1N1 flu returns, targets younger people

H1N1 flu returns, targets younger people

Supplies of influenza vaccine are still available to B.C. residents, despite high demand
Chilliwack artist’s new coin marks military partnership

Chilliwack artist’s new coin marks military partnership

A new coin designed by Chilliwack artist Ardell Bourgeois marks the 70th anniversary of an elite combat unit known as the Devil’s Brigade.
Railway delays hobble feed mill industry

Railway delays hobble feed mill industry

Serious delays by railway companies are putting Fraser Valley feed mills – and the livestock they are trying to feed – at risk.
Elk returned to Harrison Lake forests

Elk returned to Harrison Lake forests

Community of Sts'ailes 'bubbling with excitement' over relocation program
Christmas theft can’t shake carpenter’s faith

Christmas theft can’t shake carpenter’s faith

The theft of a Christmas light display that took a year to build won't stop a Chilliwack man from making the season bright next year.
Make Fraser Valley pay into TransLink, Maple Ridge mayor says

Make Fraser Valley pay into TransLink, Maple Ridge mayor says

Ernie Daykin says Valley residents get 'free ride' on Metro Vancouver transit system
Pricier U.S. milk looms if farm subsidies end

Pricier U.S. milk looms if farm subsidies end

Cross-border shoppers predicted to lose their dairy appetite
Voters find few motives to cast ballot

Voters find few motives to cast ballot

Chilliwack voters offer input on why they didn't vote in the November school board byelection.
Excavator recovered at road building site

Excavator recovered at road building site

Harrison development project hit snag when heavy machinery toppled over