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Court, jail awaits B.C. drivers who defy U.S. traffic tickets

Court, jail awaits B.C. drivers who defy U.S. traffic tickets

Suspended licences make driving in Washington a crime for Canadian speeders who don't pay up
Conference of the birds in Chilliwack

Conference of the birds in Chilliwack

People have been talking about the flock of 200 swans seen grazing in a field on Evans Road in Chilliwack lately.
Chilliwack a heavenly match for movie-makers

Chilliwack a heavenly match for movie-makers

They're filming Match Made in Heaven, a made-for-TV movie for the U.S. based Up Network at several locations in downtown Chilliwack.
Charities get cheque from Chances Chilliwack

Charities get cheque from Chances Chilliwack

It works out to $4,900 for each of the charities, which are the former owners and operators of Chilliwack Bingo.
Disclosure rules on way for local elections

Disclosure rules on way for local elections

Tougher financial disclosure rules are to take effect in time for November elections, but spending limits will come later

Chilliwack attracting family physicians

Chilliwack GP recruitment program aimed at bolstering local ranks is finding success.
Speaker repays husband's South Africa airfare

Speaker repays husband's South Africa airfare

Legislature Speaker Linda Reid has paid back the $5,528 cost of her husband's flight to South Africa
NDP takes aim at Multi Material BC recycling 'failure' (with VIDEO)

NDP takes aim at Multi Material BC recycling 'failure' (with VIDEO)

Opposition critic calls province's new recycling agency a 'Godzilla-sized red tape monster'
Measles 'largely contained' to original site, says FHA

Measles 'largely contained' to original site, says FHA

The health authority reports 228 confirmed cases of measles in this region
Fired society bosses get severance pay

Fired society bosses get severance pay

Spending spree included trips to Vienna, Paris, Istanbul, New York, Los Angeles, Banff and Ottawa, plus spas and limousines