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B.C. mom, kids traumatized after their cat shot 3 times in the head

B.C. mom, kids traumatized after their cat shot 3 times in the head

SPCA investigating ‘appalling’ incident that occurred on Vancouver Island near Duncan
BARRON: Dementia in the family difficult for everyone concerned

BARRON: Dementia in the family difficult for everyone concerned

It hurts when I see this lack of recognition from this tender-hearted and loving woman
Duncan resident recommending new app to help deter credit-card fraud

Duncan resident recommending new app to help deter credit-card fraud

Janice Fraser scammed over Uber charges
BC Hydro wants to move quickly with electrification over fossil fuels

BC Hydro wants to move quickly with electrification over fossil fuels

Moving away from fossil fuels to power infrastructure part of CleanBC Plan
Missing B.C. man wanders out of the woods 4 days after crash on remote road

Missing B.C. man wanders out of the woods 4 days after crash on remote road

Concussed and in shock, Owen Weld spent first few days in and out of consciousness in his car
Orphaned 10-year-old South African girl finally allowed to come to B.C.

Orphaned 10-year-old South African girl finally allowed to come to B.C.

After 4-year battle, Ryleigh Ridland will live with her great aunt in Shawnigan Lake
Cowichan River No. 2 fishing destination in Canada in 2024

Cowichan River No. 2 fishing destination in Canada in 2024

FishBooker says river the “go-to” destination on Vancouver Island for trout fishing
Online platform helps those appealing B.C. property assessments

Online platform helps those appealing B.C. property assessments

British Columbia property owners have until Jan. 31 to file appeal
Charges being considered in 2019 Duncan double-homicide investigation

Charges being considered in 2019 Duncan double-homicide investigation

Fran Shurie and Nellie Williams killed in Duncan on Christmas Eve, 2019
Terrified kittens plucked from B.C. trash just before ending up in landfill

Terrified kittens plucked from B.C. trash just before ending up in landfill

Animals discovered at Vancouver Island waste transfer station will be put up for adoption