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LETTER: Rainbow crosswalk campaign shows ‘contempt’

‘A very sad chapter in the history of Chilliwack,’ says letter writer

Re: “Chilliwack becoming city of rainbows,” Nov. 15.

How is that even possible when our city council voted to deny an LGBTQ proposal for the installation of a rainbow crosswalk in downtown Chilliwack? Apparently since the councillors voted “no” on the LGBTQ proposal, the activists are more determined than ever to make a statement by turning one of the most conservative cities in the Lower Mainland into one of the cities with the most LGTBQ rainbow crosswalks and symbols.

When the city council, in their wisdom, denied the rainbow crosswalk proposal, they concluded from the overwhelming response of its residents that rainbow crosswalks are divisive and not in the best interests of all Chilliwack residents.

Rainbow crosswalk leader Amber Price has asked the Guinness Book of World Records to create a new category, “Most Rainbow Crosswalks in a City.” It appears their intention is to flood Chilliwack with rainbow crosswalks, murals and school benches to show their power and push their LGBTQ agenda. This group, which professes to be tolerant and compassionate, demonstrates by their actions anything but those values. They espouse diversity but this latest rainbow crosswalk campaign clearly shows a lack of support for a diversity of ideas.

When the city council, in their wisdom, denied the rainbow crosswalk proposal, they concluded from the overwhelming response of its residents that rainbow crosswalks are divisive and not in the best interests of all Chilliwack residents.

Although we know the LGBTQ are within their legal right to paint rainbow crosswalks and symbols on private and school property and in First Nations’ territories, is this in the best interests of all residents? They show contempt for the elected officials’ decision as well a lack of inclusivity and respect for the people of Chilliwack.

Even the left-biased Huffington Post reported, “Chilliwack, B.C. Becomes Unlikely Hub For Rainbow Crosswalks,” which is a dog-whistle to the LGBTQ and its allies to inundate Chilliwack with financial and ‘moral’ support for their rainbow agenda. With an aggressive campaign to make Chilliwack the city with the most rainbow crosswalks, I don’t have much hope for understanding anytime soon between the LQBTQ and Chilliwack residents.

It is a very sad chapter in the history of Chilliwack.

Lynn Allard