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Canada deserves better

This great nation is being ill-served in many ways.

True, we’ve escaped the global recession for now, but that maybe more in spite of, rather than because of, our political leaders. After all, the land is still strong and rich in resources.

Let’s take a brief look at some of the things that have been going wrong:

The present government has been tightly scripted, controlling and rather Machiavellian towards its opponents; There has been nothing but contempt for the elected parliament, and the vote of non-confidence that took place recently proves it.

Promises made were not the promises kept. Various scandals violating the ethical behaviour have taken place.

Remember the so-called senate reform?

Then we have all those billions of dollars for needless fighter jet purchases and another unnecessary billion wasted on hosting just one week of that lavish G-20 gathering.  Let’s not forget billions more as unnecessary tax-breaks for the most profitable corporations the likes of oil companies and the banks.

Now we hear a lot of trashing the so-called possible coalition. The fact is that there should be nothing wrong with a coalition/cooperation amongst like-minded elected representatives as long as it is in the national interest.

Coalition happens to be a perfectly acceptable, and accepted practice throughout the commonwealth.  So stop whining about that and elect the best possible people to steer us through these dangerous times.

We owe Canada that much.


Lal Sharma,


About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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