Public Notice is hereby given that City Council intends to adopt “Highway Closure and Removal of Road Dedication Bylaw 2023, No. 5337”, at the Regular Council meeting to be held on December 5, 2023. This Bylaw will allow for the closure to traffic at a section of unnamed and unconstructed road extending east from Aitken Road, that is no longer required for road purposes. The intent of this notice is to allow Council to receive input from all persons who believe their interest in the property is affected by the proposed highway closure and removal of road dedication.
1. That the sections of road dedicated on Plan 82516 and Plan EPP131617, contained together within the area outlined in heavy black linage on Reference Plan EPP131618 to accompany City of Chilliwack “Highway Closure and Removal of Road Dedication Bylaw 2023, No. 5337”, prepared by Jonathan F. Squires, BC Land Surveyor, dated August 16, 2023, and as shown on the plan below, is hereby stopped up and closed to traffic of all kinds.

2. A copy of the proposed “Highway Closure and Removal of Road Dedication Bylaw 2023, No. 5337” will be available upon request by contacting the Legislative Services Department at 604.793.2986 or by email to
3. Enquiries regarding this matter may be directed toWayne Moseanko, Property Manager, at 604.701.1831 or by email at
Jacqueline A. Morgan, CMC
Corporate Officer