City News
The latest news and information from the City of Chilliwack
Property Tax Notice Reminder
This is a reminder to all City of Chilliwack taxpayers thattaxes are due Tuesday, July 4, 2023.
For your convenience, the City Tax Office will be open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday to Friday from June 26 to July 4, except July 3, 2023.
An after hours drop box is located at the main entrance of City Hall. If mailing your payment, please be sure to allow adequate delivery time. A penalty of 5% will be applied to current taxes unpaid after midnight of July 4, 2023 and a further 5% will be applied after August 3, 2023.
Home owners who live at their property must complete the Home Owner Grant application through the Province:
Online at or by calling 1-888-355-2700 before July 4, 2023
If you purchased property in 2023 but did not receive a tax notice, please confirm that the 2023 taxes are paid. If you did not receive a notice, please contact our office immediately. Provincial legislation requires payment of taxes by July 4, 2023 with or without a notice.
If you have any questions about your property tax bill, or property taxes in general, please call 604.792.9498.
8550 Young Road | 604.792.9311 |