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Tuesday, October 24, 2023 at 6:30 pm


8550 Young Road, Chilliwack, BC V2P 8A4

TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the City of Chilliwack will hold a Public Hearing, as noted above, on the following items:

1. ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2023, No. 5350 (RZ001712)

Location: 46591 Brice Road

Applicant: Brandon Gill

Purpose: To rezone the subject property from an R1-A (Urban Residential) Zone to an R1-C

(Urban Infill) Zone and R3 (Small Lot Residential) Zone to facilitate a future

subdivision, within the subject property as shown on the map below.

Location Map

[gps-image name="34333750_web1_20231025-CPL-PublicNotice-PublicHearing-Oct24_1.jpg"]

1. ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2023, No. 5338 (RZ001623)

Location: 43614 Alameda Drive

Applicant: OTG Developments

Purpose: To rezone the subject property from an R1-A (Urban Residential) Zone to an R1-B

(Urban Duplex Residential) Zone, to facilitate a future duplex development within

the subject property as shown below on the map below.

Location Map

[gps-image name="34333750_web1_20231025-CPL-PublicNotice-PublicHearing-Oct24_2.jpg"]

1. ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2023, No. 5345 (RZ001704)

Location: 6040 Arlington Drive

Applicant: Mohsen Shalaby

Purpose: To rezone the subject property from an R1-A (Urban Residential) Zone to an R1-C

(Urban Infill) Zone, to facilitate a future subdivision within the subject property as

shown on the map below.

Location Map

[gps-image name="34333750_web1_20231025-CPL-PublicNotice-PublicHearing-Oct24_3.jpg"]

1. ZONING BYLAW AMENDMENT BYLAW 2023, No. 5335 (RZ001687)


Location: 9132 and 9146 Mary Street

Applicant: 1335457 BC Ltd.

Purpose: To rezone the subject properties from an RC (Commercial Conversion) Zone to an

R6 (Mid Rise Apartment) Zone, to facilitate a future apartment development, within

the subject properties, as shown on the map below.

A concurrent Development Variance Permit application has been submitted to vary

the following Zoning Bylaw standards:

• reduce the front lot line setback from 6m to 3.3m for an off-street parking structure;

• reduce the exterior side lot line setback from 4.5m to 1m for an off-street parking


• reduce the minimum interior side lot line setback from 6.75m to 6m for the

4th storey and from 7.5m to 6m for the 5th storey;

• waive the requirement for portions of the common amenity area to have a minimum

dimension of 6m;

• waive the requirement for a private amenity area to have a minimum dimension of

3m for five ground-oriented units;

• waive the requirement for a common amenity area to be located more than 5m

from a window serving a dwelling unit;

• reduce the minimum private amenity area space to less than 15m2 for

two ground-oriented units;

• increase the maximum lot coverage from 50% to 82% for an off-street parking

structure; and,

• waive the requirement to provide an off-street loading space.

Location Map

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Please review the instructions below in regard to the participation options for the Public Hearing:

1. Written submissions, including your full name and address, to the Legislative Services

Department at 8550 Young Road, Chilliwack, BC V2P 8A4 or by email to no later than 4:00 pm on Monday, October 23, 2023.

2. Participate in person at the City of Chilliwack, Council Chambers, located at 8550 Young Road,

Chilliwack, BC.

All submissions will be recorded and form part of the official record of the meeting. The Council

meeting will be broadcast live on the City of Chilliwack website via the following link: for viewing by the public.

These proposed bylaws will be provided via email upon request between the hours of 8:30 am

and 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays, from Wednesday, October 11, 2023

to Tuesday, October 24, 2023, both inclusive, by the Planning Department at 604-793-2906 or

Please note that no further information or submissions can be considered by Council after

the conclusion of the Public Hearing.

Jacqueline Morgan, CMC

Corporate Officer