A new campaign hopes to help out locally owned Chilliwack businesses that need support, now more than ever.
“The Very Merry Shopportunity” is the creation of the Chilliwack Economic Recovery Network (CERN), a group that includes the Chilliwack Chamber of Commerce, the Downtown BIA, and others.
READ MORE: Chilliwack Economic Recovery Network provides info for local businesses
Check out this video released on Friday, Nov. 27 for more on the program.
A Shopportunity Map can be picked up at any one of the 66 official participating locations. Every time you visit one of the locations with your map, get a stamp and there will be chances to win prizes from Chilliwack businesses.
Downtown BIA executive director Kyle Williams said in addition to the 66 locations, there are options for “Bonus Shopportunities,” which will be offered at feature locations all month.
And it’s important to note that while there are lots of businesses participating from all over Chilliwack, many other local businesses need local support, too.
Follow @Chilliwackecomonicrecovery on Instagram for updates, promotions, and bonus giveaways throughout the month of December, and use the hashtag #CHILLIWACKTOGETHER.
For more details visit tourismchilliwack.com/shopportunity.
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