Thousands of people came out to pay their respects to fallen soldiers and veterans as they attended Remembrance Day ceremonies in Chilliwack.
After two years of scaled-back events, things were finally back to normal for 2022. Chilliwack had ceremonies at three locations on Nov. 11: Veterans’ Memorial Park, All Sappers’ Memorial Park and Coqualeetza Longhouse.
All three locations had huge turnouts as people paused for a moment of silence and laid wreaths in honour of Canada’s fallen soldiers and veterans.
Since the last pre-pandemic Remembrance Day ceremonies in 2019, at least six Second World War veterans in Chilliwack have died: Len Fitzgerald (Nov. 6, 1922 to July 26, 2020), Walter Georgeson (July 14, 1923 to Sept. 18, 2021), Warner Hockin (Sept. 17, 1924 to Oct. 30, 2021), Harry Mayne (May 17, 1925 to Nov. 20, 2021), Gordon Norrish (May 16, 1920 to April 26, 2022), and Harold Thorp (died on Aug. 13, 2021 at age 98).
Second World War veterans still alive in Chilliwack include Bernie McNicholl (pictured below in first video laying a wreath) and Tom Lambon.
RELATED: Banners with 4 Chilliwack veterans pictured on them honour heroes of all wars
Remembrance Day ceremonies at All Sappers’ Memorial Park
Remembrance Day ceremonies at All Sappers’ Memorial Park
Remembrance Day ceremonies at All Sappers’ Memorial Park
Remembrance Day ceremonies at Veterans’ Memorial Park
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