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New signage to map out the best bicycling routes in Chilliwack

Cycle Chilliwack hopes to get more involved in naming of bike routes
Council approved phase 1 of a bike route signage plan and Cycle Chilliwack is on-board. (Think Stock)

Cyclists who want to ride from one end of Chilliwack to the other will one day be guided with clear signage and wayfinding maps.

Council approved phase 1 of a Bicycle Route Signing plan to add maps and signage about key routes, identified as priorities in the “quick wins” section of the 10-year Cycle Vision transportation plan.

READ MORE: Cycle Vision coming

The Sardis Rail Trail was also renamed the Valley Rail Trail as plans get underway this year to begin construction on extending the pathway over Highway 1.

The rail trail is expected to function as the “spine” of a future network of cycling routes.

David Swankey, co-chair of Cycle Chilliwack, and a Transportation Advisory Committee member, said he is glad to see the city “moving ahead” to address network gaps.

“Signage is a way of communicating with the cycling community,” Swankey said. “It helps legitimize the behaviours already taking place.”

The “driving culture” in Chilliwack is not particularly friendly to cyclists.

“But it is getting better,” Swankey said.

The creation of Cycle Chilliwack, an advocacy group for the biking public, paves the way for more engagement with the city, like being involved with the naming of future trails, or expanding annual Bike to Work activities.

READ MORE: Cycle Chilliwack to collaborate

It would be a good way to “engage, educate and inspire” the public, Swankey said in a letter last month to mayor and council.


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Jennifer Feinberg

About the Author: Jennifer Feinberg

I have been a Chilliwack Progress reporter for 20+ years, covering city hall, Indigenous, business, and climate change stories.
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