Two schools that are joining the Chilliwack education system in the near future now have names.
The names are revealed in the April 28 board of education meeting agenda, and come from months of public input.
The school to be built along the Vedder River, which will serve students in Kindergarten to Grade 8, will have the Indigenous name of Stitó:s Lá:lém Totí:lt. The name was endorsed by local First Nations Chiefs, David Jimmie and Derek Epp.
It is pronounced ‘stee-tahs lah-lem tot-ilt.’
The name was the first choice of the naming committee, second to River’s Edge.
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The committee report says: “At our first meeting, the Naming Committee expressed a strong desire to select a place-based name, with preference for one with Indigenous significance. The committee was very happy to receive the thorough and thoughtful submission for Stitó:s Lá:lém Totí:lt. This was the unanimous first choice of the committee. Points in its favour included that the name fits well with its location, it is endorsed by Chiefs Epp and Jimmie, and the pronunciation is relatively easy for non-Halq’eméylem speakers.”
The name for the new integrated arts and technology school has also been chosen. It will be called Imagine High, and will be located at AD Rundle middle school and the old UFV site on Yale, following an expansion/upgrade there.
The committee’s decision included this statement:
“Imagine High was the only submission that would mark the new school as a different type of learning institution,” a report says. “It was agreed that it had a catchy sound that could help with marketing, especially if Chilliwack hopes to attract students from other districts in the future. Of note, a long discussion was had about the word “High” and whether or not it should be included. Some committee members expressed that it is a word more associated with American schools (whereas we typically use Secondary). However, in the end, it was agreed that Imagine High sounds good and has the added benefit of being a play on words (the name for a place of learning and also a sentence encouraging students to stretch their imaginations).”
The secondary choice for that school’s name was Midtown, the moniker for the community that was recently created on the majority of the former UFV site.
These names will be discussed at the April 28 Board of Education meeting, which will be conducted through Zoom but also will include participation opportunities for members of the public who pre-register.
To do so, visit
READ MORE: Chilliwack school board plans for an integrated arts school for grades 8-12 at old UFV location
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