The BC NDP confirmed Thursday that Dan Coulter, who is currently chair of the Chilliwack Board of Education and a school trustee since 2013, will run for the party in Chilliwack in the Oct. 24 election.
“Having been a school trustee since 2013, I have seen how the BC Liberals cut education for a generation of kids, refusing to build schools in growing communities,” Coulter said in a press release. “With John Horgan and the BC NDP, they are investing in record amounts to build new schools and hire new teachers. This is why I’m running on John’s team.”
Coulter has been outspoken on the issue of public education. He blasted the BC Liberals’ record, specifically pointing to Andrew Wilkinson’s time as Minister of Citizens’ Services when he sold lots of land designated for schools and hospitals to wealthy developers.
“I have served the City of Chilliwack as an elected official for many years and I know the impact government can have on the lives of people,” Coulter added. “We deserve an MLA who will look out for you and your family. I will fight to make sure we have better health care services, good job opportunities locally and the best start possible for our kids in terms of education.”
Also on Thursday, BC Conservative candidate Diane Janzen came out criticizing Coulter’s job as school board chair in a press release.
Janzen also incorrectly stated that Coulter intended to “double dip and remain on the school board, collecting both an MLA and school trustee taxpayer funded salary.”
Coulter has in fact stated that he will resign from the school board if elected MLA for Chilliwack.
• READ MORE: Diane Janzen comes out swinging on the Chilliwack campaign trail
• READ MORE: All your 2020 B.C. Election coverage in one place
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