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LETTER: Back to the drawing board

‘Absolute ridiculousness’ to put unhoused in old buildings with no heat
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This letter is in response to the letter titled “The Homeless Problem.” (Homeless should be put to work, Chilliwack Progress, Jan. 26, 2024)

I’d like to point out the absolute ridiculousness of the idea that the unhoused should be put in old buildings with no heat and broken pipes to sort out the garbage of seniors and lazy home people who can’t do it themselves.

If your concern is that people should earn their welfare checks, perhaps you spend too much of your time worrying about what others are doing and not enough time organizing the town hall meetings that facilitate the creation of real positive changes and could be much more realistic than forcing people to sort your trash for buttons.

The bottom line is, there isn’t enough money for people to survive indoors in today’s economy regardless of who sorts the city’s garbage and to earn a welfare check would be called work.

If that were an option, welfare would be a job wouldn’t it? Everything in life begins with an idea but my belief is that you should take yours back to the drawing board.

Jodi Armstrong

READ MORE: LETTER: Chilliwack’s homeless should be put to work

Jessica Peters

About the Author: Jessica Peters

I am proud to be the editor of the Chilliwack Progress. When not at work, I'm busy hiking our local mountains and travelling around the province.
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