When it comes to the local music scene in Chilliwack, Trevor McDonald is a household name.
Downtown Chilliwack BIA is welcoming McDonald back to the fold as the Entertainment Coordinator for this year’s Party in the Park events.
“Trevor is a great fit for our stage and works very hard for the promotion of local talent.” explained BIA ED Kyle Williams.
The well-known local musician was the entertainment coordinator and stage host for three PITP seasons from 2009 to 2011.
BIA officials announced key changes to the 2014 Party in the Park in recent months, including a more condensed four-night schedule and a renewed focus on homegrown talent for the stage.
Williams, who also chairs the Party in the Park Committee, said McDonald was the logical choice for the position, and is excited to have him back on board after a two-year absence.
“He is a busy guy, so we were excited to hear that the new format would probably work with his schedule. We just needed to make it happen.”
For his part, McDonald is proud to once again be a part of one of the key cornerstone events in Chilliwack every summer.
“It’s no secret that I’m passionate about our downtown,” McDonald said. “In the three years I was involved, we focused on a community get-together on Friday nights and that’s what we’re going to continue to create here in the heart of our city.”
He's a huge fan of local talent.
“I have always believed we need look no further than our backyard for top-calibre entertainment,” he added.
To get involved with the Party in the Park entertainment stage this summer, contact him at trevmcdonald@telus.net.
To get more information about the event itself, including volunteering, sponsorship opportunities and marketplace vending, visit www.downtownchilliwack.com or email info@downtownchilliwack.com.