Chilliwack Symphony Orchestra and Chorus are getting ready to present their April 11 concert, We’ve Got Your Bach, at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre.
The spring concert will showcase a range of talented soloists and some stellar music hand-picked from the amazing catalogue of Johann Sebastian Bach.
“We pride ourselves in bringing so many musical artists to the stage to produce large, exhilarating productions,” said music director Paula DeWit.
The line-up of soloists includes the renowned Chilliwack pianist Clinton Denoni, local counter-tenor Shane Hanson, superb classical guitarist Jeff Bowman of Chilliwack, and the members of the Chilliwack Symphony Chorus.
There will also be some beautiful brass. In addition to the soloists, CSO and Chorus exploring Bach’s repertoire, the Vancouver Community College Mount Pleasant Brass Ensemble will also be making an appearance.
“We are thrilled to have this performance group as our special guests,” DeWit said.
Word has spread beyond the ‘Wack about the CSO, which was founded in 1999 with a goal to create truly beautiful and varied music, and to serve the community.
Fans of CSO and Chorus now travel to the Cultural Centre specifically to enjoy the rich programming of CSO concerts.
Denoni grew up in the eastern Fraser Valley and is no stranger to the local concert scene, having performed with the CSO as a winner of the John van Liempt Memorial Young Artist Competition in 2007. This time around, with a Master of Music Degree in piano performance and a growing reputation as one of the top pianists in the country, Denoni will spellbind the audience with Bach’s Toccata in D major.
Bach is known for being a prolific composer.
“We will be presenting just an outstanding variety of Bach pieces,” said DeWit.
To get an early taste, check out the online video of cellist Yo-Yo Ma, performing the Prelude from the Bach Cello Suite No. 1.
“Our own Josef Lindl will be performing this intimate, expressive piece on April 11,” the Maestra noted.
Chilliwack has watched Shane Hanson grow from a young soprano into an actor, and now a talented and popular counter-tenor. The robust Agnus Dei from Bach’s Mass in B minor will be a treat for all to hear.
Chilliwack can be proud of its impressive cadre of local musicians and guitar artist Jeff Bowman is most certainly one of them, said De Wit.
Bowman will be playing in the lobby early on in the night and will also be featured on the concert stage playing the virtuosic Sarabande from Suite No. 1, originally written by Bach for the cello, and known for its exquisite composition.
The icing on the cake will be a dazzling performance of the Bach Double Violin Concerto in D minor featuring violinists Angela Cavadas and Heilwig von Koenigsloew.
Bach set the standard for violin solos and string ensembles, and this stunning piece underlines that fact.
The CSO chorus has been “hard at work” in rehearsals, preparing some inspirational choral masterpieces by Bach. The choir is set to sing several selections from the Mass in B minor and the opening piece of Cantata No. 70.
“Once again, we are happy to have our young instrumentalists join the orchestra in a side-by-side performance of the Bach Little Fugue in G.
“It is truly a privilege to bring so many performers together for one performance,” noted DeWit.
The CSO and Chorus present, We’ve got your Bach, April 11 at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre, 7:30 p.m. Tickets at the box office, by phone at 604-391-SHOW or online at Tickets $25, student $15, family $60.