Leonard Hodgins, 33, has been around music most of his life.
The Chilliwack musician who works as "quality assurance supervisor" is continuing down that melodic road. He has recently entered his original song, Dropped, in the CBC Music Searchlight competition for 2015.
Hodgins is looking for support now in the way of online votes from fans, friends and family, as voting continues until April 13 in the Searchlight hunt to find "Canada's best new artist."
Hodgins grew up in Yarrow, travelled around and played in several bands, but is performing solo these days, and working on material for a new album.
"I've always felt that if I do it own my own, I'll have no one to thank or blame but myself," he writes on his website.
Hodgins joked that he's so drawn to music, he might have been conceived to a Supertramp song. His dad was a big fan of the band. At different times in his life, he's played the piano as well as drums, bass, acoustic and electric guitar. Now he's working the production side of things as well, as well as writing new music.
"I'm always writing something new and trying to evolve as an artist."
He's also delving into his family's local history.
"I have strong Chilliwack roots, as my great-great-grandfather, William Hodgins, donated the land for the Chilliwack hospital," he said, adding that the roadway later became known as Hodgins Avenue.
Winner of the CBC Searchlight competition is awarded $20,000 in Yamaha gear and a spot on a high profile music showcase stage.
"The record is melodic - an acoustic driven ensemble with a fresh bite of electricity, providing original flavour to the generic modern rock world of the new millennium," according to the contest submission.
Check out his tune, Dropped, on the CBC Music site, music.cbc.ca/#!/artists/The-Leonard-Hodgins-Endeavor or hit the link at www.leonardhodgins.ca with a click to vote until April 13. The song he submitted, Dropped, is off his 2003 CD, Songs for Yesterday, by the Leonard Hodgins Endeavor, his solo act.
"Thanks in advance for all the support," he added.