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Out with old, in with new courses at Fraser Valley Distance Ed

Agriscience and International Foods added to list of courses Chilliwack students can delve into online and in class

Students at GW Graham will have at least one more elective option next fall, with the addition of an International Foods 10 course.

It was just one of four new courses approved by the Chilliwack School Board on Tuesday night, after being presented by prospective teachers. The International Food course will have students working in the kitchen while also learning about topics like the impact of globalization, global food systems, food security, the importance of food staples, poverty and more.

GW teacher Paula Aquino presented the course to the board, noting that while the course will explore international ingredients, they will be limited by their budget.

The three other courses approved all focus on agricultural sciences, and will be offered through Fraser Valley Distance Education. They are Veterinary Science 11, and Agriscience 11 and 12. Trustee Heather Maahs, the board representative on the Board Authority Authorization Committee, said this year the committee will also be combing over unpopular distance ed courses, and clearing out those which students are no longer enrolling in.

Jessica Peters

About the Author: Jessica Peters

I am proud to be the editor of the Chilliwack Progress. When not at work, I'm busy hiking our local mountains and travelling around the province.
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