Folks can take in some Chilliwack history this weekend during an open house at the Atchelitz Threshermen’s Association site.
Members of the association recently upgraded two buildings, and on Saturday, April 27, people can step back in time as they walk through the Evans Elementary schoolhouse and Oh’s Western Shoes and Repair cabin.
“These are just two of the many great things that our members and volunteers have come up with over the years,” said Ray Ramey, president of the association.
The cabin that was transformed into the Evans schoolhouse used to be owned by a founding member of the club. The association bought the building from the member and moved rows of desks, a chalkboard, typewriter and other old school supplies into it. The ‘Evans Elementary School’ signage out front was donated to them when the school on Evans Road was renovated.

Cobbler Suk Joong Oh donated all his equipment — including sewing machines, tools, and a neon sign — to the ATA when he retired and closed up his business Oh’s Western Shoes and Repair back in 2019.
READ MORE: Chilliwack cobbler ready to step into retirement
Those items are now set up in their own little standalone cabin after originally being on display inside the main museum building alongside antique farming equipment such as vehicles, engines and tools.
Many of the buildings on the ATA site are owned by association members, giving them a space for a workshop or to repair items such as steam engines.
“It works good for people that are out-of-town, or members that live in gated communities,” said vice president Jon Nessel.
More volunteers are always welcome to join, and they are needed for jobs such as helping out at the museum when it’s open to the public.

People can see the new Evans schoolhouse, the Oh’s shoe repair building, and much more during the Atchelitz Threshermen’s Association open house on Saturday, April 27 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 44146 Luckakuck Way.
Guided tours are at 10:30 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Coming up next for the ATA is their annual Small Engine Show on the Victoria Day long weekend (May 18 and 19), and the threshing bee which takes place in conjunction with the Chilliwack Fair (Aug. 9 to 11).
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