The members of the Royal Canadian Branch 4 Legion have been waiting years for it to happen, and finally on Tuesday, two stair lifts were installed in the building.
The legion purchased the two lifts at a cost of $24,000 for the both of them.
"If it wasn't for the poppy fund, we wouldn't have the stair lifts," says Elaine Dahl, president of the Branch 4 Legion.
A total of $20,000 from the annual poppy fund went towards the stir lifts. The remaining $4,000 came from the legion and the ladies auxiliary.
"It's costly, but it's going to be a huge help for those who need it," says Mary Hawkins, one of the new users of the stair lift.
Before the lifts were installed — one going from the lobby to the upstairs lounge, and the other from the lobby to the downstairs area — members and guests had to use a long ramp which only led to the upstairs area, not downstairs.
The stair lifts are dedicated to all veterans and their spouses, says Dahl.