It’s often said that agriculture is the heart of Chilliwack but there can be a disconnect between what farmers actually do and produce and what the general non-farming public understands.
To help bridge that gap between folks living in the urban core of the city who are surrounded by the Agricultural Land Reserve on which our food is grown and produced, the Chilliwack Economic Partners Corporation (CEPCO) and the Chilliwack Chamber of Commerce partnered together to create an agricultural video series that shares key messages from the local agricultural and farming community.
“These are real stories from real farmers in our community.”
Kicking off on Tuesday, April 18, CEPCO and the Chamber launch four mini-trailers for the full video series starting next week.
The videos are high-quality and include interviews with local farmers from dairy to vegetables to greenhouse growers.
The four topics for the four videos are: Food Security, Animal Welfare, Environmental Impact, and Economic Impact.
Chamber executive director Leanna Kemp said the idea for the videos emerged out of roundtable meetings held last year with people in agriculture. What emerged was a desire to see storytelling.
“They wanted a way to connect to not only the business community as a whole, small businesses that may or may not use their local products and connect with the community, the residents, to dispel myths about farming,” Kemp said. “To tell the good news and the good things about farming.”
Here are the four trailers for the four videos.
Economic impact:
Food security:
Animal welfare:
Environmental impact:
The full videos will be released one a week for four weeks starting on April 26.
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