The ancestor stone known as T’xwelátse to the Sto:lo is the subject of the next film and dinner event on Tuesday, July 16 at the Sto:lo Resource Centre.
For more than a century, this ancestor turned to stone by the Transformers was lost to his community. After a long repatriation effort, Stone T’xwelátse figure now resides at the Stó:lō Resource Centre where he teaches everyone how to live together in a good way.
Learn of the journey from the Burke Museum and what he and his return mean to the Stó:lō people.
See the film. T’xwelátse me T’ókw’ telo Qáys / T’xwelátse is Finally Home produced by Herb Joe, Dave Schaepe, Sonny McHalsie and the Stó:lō Research and Resource Management Centre, in association with Bear Image Productions.
The public is welcome. Admission is free. Dinner is by donation.