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LETTER: Prompt and caring attention at Chilliwack General Hospital

LETTER: Prompt and caring attention at Chilliwack General Hospital

‘Staff were both friendly and competent’
LETTER: Freedom to read helps defy censorship

LETTER: Freedom to read helps defy censorship

Not one of the books former trustee Darrell Furgason is opposed to has been banned or censored
LETTER: Chilliwack school board meeting left writer nauseous

LETTER: Chilliwack school board meeting left writer nauseous

‘A chair that does not want to listen should no be chair at all’
LETTER: What Chilliwack needs is a town crier

LETTER: What Chilliwack needs is a town crier

This person could travel around and alert homeless people that a cold snap is coming
LETTER: Offering medically assisted dying to minors is reckless

LETTER: Offering medically assisted dying to minors is reckless

Heartbreaking to think of families navigating a healthcare system with an option of giving up on a child
LETTER: Chilliwack school trustees who want books banned should try reading them

LETTER: Chilliwack school trustees who want books banned should try reading them

‘Reading can seriously damage your ignorance’
LETTER: Former Chilliwack school trustee insists there is illegal porn in school libraries

LETTER: Former Chilliwack school trustee insists there is illegal porn in school libraries

If the books don’t violate the criminal code then a legal opinion will put the issue to rest
LETTER: Good Samaritans and first responders helped after accident

LETTER: Good Samaritans and first responders helped after accident

‘My recent experience gives me renewed confidence in the inherent goodness of ordinary people’
LETTER: Reader ‘sick of hearing about the plight of homeless people’

LETTER: Reader ‘sick of hearing about the plight of homeless people’

Desecration and disrespect in the Chilliwack River Valley
LETTER: Fraser Valley Climate Action pushing for heat pump take-up

LETTER: Fraser Valley Climate Action pushing for heat pump take-up

‘They use electricity to heat and cool your home, and do not emit any pollutants’