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LETTER: Chilliwack’s homeless should be put to work

Sorting recycling could be relegated to people on income assistance
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The Homeless Problem:

A lot of homeless people say they cannot work because of their backs, arms, feet whatever, but then you see them pushing shopping carts around town that are heaped high and weigh a lot and they push them all around, then over the railroad tracks, etc.

That takes a lot of back, arm and shoulder strength. Those same people could be sorting at the bottle depot, or a better job for all of them is separating garbage from residential and commercial pick ups.

As it is residence owners or condo owners, etc. have to sort their own and the older people don’t have the energy or memory as to what goes where and in what containers.

All the containers are paid for from the city hall, paid to have them picked up. So somebody else should sort it out to earn their welfare cheques. When we are on unemployment we have to prove we are looking for work and take jobs offered.

The old courthouse has been empty for ages. It has washrooms and lots of space. That could have been into at least winter shelters. Lots of shops and stores are closed, because rents are too high, so there’s some winter shelter there.

Those buildings with no heat in them will have broken pipes etc. so why not put them to good use?

The city need to have a committee to organize something. Ideas needed very soon.

Mignonne Shields

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