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Student enviro teams says thanks

As a member of the Chilliwack Secondary School Envirothon Team, representing the Province of B.C. this year and last, and on behalf of our team, Connor Ford, Zach Greenwood, Celeste Newbury, Andrea Bernard, I want to send a BIG thank-you to this wonderful community who supported us in our efforts to go to New Brunswick and compete internationally.

Return of keys greatly appreciated

I wish to extend my grateful thanks to the gentleman in the sports car who stopped me at the four-way stop Teskey/Prest. Bailey to return my house keys which had dropped from my truck.
BC VIEWS: Playing BC Hydro monopoly

BC VIEWS: Playing BC Hydro monopoly

The crown jewel of B.C. utilities is such a money machine that it can allow extravagant practices and still deliver some of the cheapest, cleanest, most stable energy in North America.

Helping the toads cross the road

I have again this year with great interest watched the annual toad migration in the Ryder Lake uplands. I never cease to be amazed at how many residents come out to support these tiny amphibians in their struggle to survive.

Liberals, give me my Air Miles back

B.C. government, quit-smoking funding, Type-1 Diabetes, costs of diabetes, Air Miles

LETTER: Time for a swinging bridge?

The City of Chilliwack is truly blessed with many wonderful things, among them being the Vedder River Rotary Trail, part of the TransCanada Trail system and the Canada Lands Education Park Heritage Walk.

EDITORIAL: Arrive alive this summer

There are just a few weeks left of summer, and glorious beach-bumming weather has finally arrived.

Pet owners might howl in protest over this

Do pets make people happier or healthier? Do they enrich their lives and provide comfort? Well, according to research done by Howard Herzog, Professor of Psychology at the Western Carolina University, maybe not. Or, at least according to him, the jury’s still out on this one.

EDITORIAL: Strong advocate for kids

It would be very unfortunate if the all-party committee discussing the appointment of the province’s representative for children and youth does not agree to keep Mary Ellen Turpel-Lafond in the role.

LETTER: Better idea than burning needed

Plans to incinerate Metro Vancouver’s garbage are not going over well in Fraser Valley communities like Abbotsford and Chilliwack. This is not surprising considering the fact that pollutants released into the Lower Mainland’s air always end up hovering over the Fraser Valley where they become concentrated.