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Teachers should be ‘content with their wages’

Am writing re: Lynne Marvell’s letter of Tuesday September 27th (Liberals can’t hide behind HST loss). Tucked into the middle of this letter was reference to teachers seeking “a reasonable salary increase” which I last heard was in the region of 20%.
B.C. jobs plan bumps into reality

B.C. jobs plan bumps into reality

Premier Christy Clark's " to B.C. Jobs Plan" took some hits as she was finishing her week-long publicity tour to roll it out. But the serious damage wasn’t from her political opponents on the left and right.

La Nina to make an unwelcome return

With the weather phenomenon La Nina expected to gather strength this winter, we could be facing the same frustrating long, cold, wet spring in 2012 that occurred this year.
B.C. imports American-style politics

B.C. imports American-style politics

The B.C. Liberal attack ads on fightin' fisherman John Cummins go after his pension and his policies, and the website made him look like one of the aliens from Mars Attacks! In fact the whole B.C. political scene is starting to look like a bad movie from the 1990s.

Research cuts show government’s lack of vision

Environment Canada’s decision to cancel vital research programs and axe some 700 jobs is wrong thinking. The reasoning may be budget austerity measures – Treasury Board Chair Tony Clement wants to slash $4 billion from government programs - but beware being penny wise and pound foolish.

Getting to the 'truth' about farmed salmon

At the Cohen Commission hearings, lawyers for BC, Canada and the fish farm industry were effective in diverting attention away from the truth, and this may compromise Justice Bruce Cohen in making final recommendations based on the truth. Well-respected Dr. Alexandra Morton, marine biologist, points out the truth:

Getting out the vote

It’s the level of government that touches us the most. And yet, it is often the least popular when it comes time to vote.

Community support

To those who live up in Promontory Heights or travel through this area and may have wondered how Promontory Road remains so litter free; or how the many trails that you walk in the area came to be; or how some of the many planted boulevard trees that line the streets got there;

Illiteracy: Canada’s inconvenient truth

In Canada, low literacy skills are one of society’s hidden handicaps -- statistics show more than 40 per cent of adults struggle with reading and comprehension skills -- raise-a-reader campaign.

Tax separation

I am very happy that the HST was defeated, because I am much opposed to have the federal government meddling in provincial affairs, especially when it has to do with taxation.