I would like to share a heartwarming story and thank Shary from Centex Petroleum on Lickman for helping to reunite a little girl and her cat.
Rainbow the cat is a much-loved companion to my eight-year-old great granddaughter who lost her father due to health issues right before Christmas.
While moving, her mom stopped to get gas on at the Centex gas station on Lickman Road. When she opened her vehicle door, their cat Rainbow quickly exited the vehicle escaping before she could grab him. She tried to catch him, but he had disappeared.
When I got the call, she sounded defeated and exhausted, she had to tell her daughter that her beloved cat Rainbow was missing. There are no houses at the location and lots of traffic, so we were worried that he might not make it.
I made cat missing posters and met Shary at Centex who put up the poster. Over the next days we left food, and Shary took it upon himself to also put out food and monitor the cameras letting us know when Rainbow came by. He was so helpful and really embodied the spirit of community by helping so much.
After numerous visits to Centex and just missing the cat, yesterday Rainbow was successfully retrieved and brought to their new home, reuniting him with his eight-year-old owner who was over the moon happy to have him back.
Thank you Shary for your help in ensuring a little girl was not further heartbroken and has her beloved Rainbow cat back home.
Patti MacAhonic