Westcoast Energy Inc.
Address: 3985 - 22nd Ave. Prince George BC, V2N 1B7 (Attn: IVMP)
Phone: 250-960-2034
Reference Number: ENB-05N-25/30
Westcoast Energy Inc. (Westcoast), an Enbridge company, has prepared a draft Integrated Vegetation Management Plan (IVMP) that complies with British Columbia’s Integrated Pest Management Act and Integrated Pest Management Regulation (Regulation).
The purpose of the IVMP is to ensure safe and effective vegetation and invasive weed control by utilizing integrated vegetation management techniques in accordance with the Regulation along the Westcoast system, from near Summit Lake south to Abbotsford, at the Canada-U.S. border. The IVMP will cover various vegetation management activities along the Westcoast system, within the regional districts of Peace River, Fraser-Fort George, Cariboo, Thompson-Nicola, and Fraser Valley.
The use of pesticides is intended within the area to which the IVMP applies.
The proposed duration for the IVMP is a period of five years from the date a confirmation is received from the Ministry of Environment and Parks, which is anticipated in spring/summer 2025.
Integrated vegetation control measures under this plan include prevention, biological methods (e.g. use of herbivores or insects), cultural methods, mechanical and manual management, and chemical treatments. As outlined in the IVMP, selective chemical treatment methods may be used alone or in combination with other methods, depending on site-specific circumstances. Chemical applications may be completed using any combination of the following methods: stem injection, foliar contact application, backpack hand foliar, spray nozzle and/or ATV/manual spray boom.
The following Health Canada approved products may be included in the applications: Estaprop XT, 2,4-D Amine 600, Tordon 101, Truvist, Navius VM, Sightline, Simplicity, Detail, Clearview, Milestone, Telar, Chontrol Peat Paste, Pyroxasulphone 85WG, Transline, Lontrel 360, Vanquish, Distinct, Overdrive, Banvel, Karmex, Vantage XRT, VP480, Arsenal, Esplanade SC, MCPA Ester 600, Escort, Aspect, Grazon,Tordon 22K, Tordon 101, Garlon (RTU, XRt), Torpedo, Payload, Trillion, Par III, Gateway, Hasten, Ziameter OFX 0309, Merge.
Active ingredients in these products may include: 2,4-D, Aminocyclopyrachlor, Aminopyralid, Chlorsulfuron, Chondrostereum purpureum (biological control), Clopyralid, Dicamba, Dichlorprop-P (2,4 DP), diflunfenzopyr, Diuron, Flumioxazin, Fluroxypyr, Glyphosate, Imazapyr, Indaziflam, MCPA, Mecoprop, metsulfuron-methyl, Picloram, Pyroxsulam, Pyroxasulfone, Saflufenacil, Triclopyr. Surfactants/adjuvants may include; Mineral oil, Methyl &Ethyl Oleate and Siloxylated Polyether. Alternative products containing any of the active ingredients above, or combinations thereof, may be substituted for the products mentioned in the previous paragraph.
Chemical applications will not include all of the above listed products. Typically, only one or two products are applied, in localized areas using selective application under controlled conditions by certified professionals.
The IVMP, which includes diagrams and maps, is available for review at www.enbridge.com/bc.
A person wishing to contribute information about a proposed treatment area, relevant to the development of the IVMP, may send copies of the information to Westcoast at the address above within 30 days of the publication of this notice.