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Artist needed to brighten Five Corners wall in Chilliwack

Artist needed to brighten Five Corners wall in Chilliwack

The City of Chilliwack has put a call out in search of an artist who will create a temporary mural downtown
Tale of stolen Sto:lo boys a lost story no more

Tale of stolen Sto:lo boys a lost story no more

Memorial pole unveiled Saturday in Hope as part of Lost Stories project
Three new judges appointed in B.C., two senior judges reappointed

Three new judges appointed in B.C., two senior judges reappointed

Senior judges will serve B.C.-wide, new judges head to Penticton, Kelowna and Kamloops
Abbotsford cop finds bridge made of shopping carts, carpet, pallets

Abbotsford cop finds bridge made of shopping carts, carpet, pallets

‘The ingenuity amazes me,’ officer says, after finding engineering feat in unexpected place
Modular shelter on track to open this fall in Chilliwack

Modular shelter on track to open this fall in Chilliwack

Shelter will have double-bunk pods to get 50 or 60 people off the streets
Finding a GP with the help of PAM shifts to online focus

Finding a GP with the help of PAM shifts to online focus

Call volumes shift service from calling to self-registration online
Abbotsford artist wins big in condom wrapper design contest

Abbotsford artist wins big in condom wrapper design contest

Mouat grad Cassidy Luteijn’s pair of designs earn high grades from judges
Conservative leader Andrew Scheer speaks to Langley Tories

Conservative leader Andrew Scheer speaks to Langley Tories

The new party leader came for a picnic and meet-and-greet with local supporters.
UPDATE: Rolled semi truck cleared after blocking traffic on Highway 1

UPDATE: Rolled semi truck cleared after blocking traffic on Highway 1

Highway reduced to one lane westbound at Sumas Way
Chilliwack MLA Martin reacts to minimum wage hike plan by NDP

Chilliwack MLA Martin reacts to minimum wage hike plan by NDP

Increasing the minimum wage was a commitment of BC Liberal Government, MLA counters