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VIDEO: Camera records brazen daylight theft of parcel

VIDEO: Camera records brazen daylight theft of parcel

Langley family releases surveillance footage to alert others
Modular shelter opening delayed a few months in Chilliwack

Modular shelter opening delayed a few months in Chilliwack

Flexible modular design by Chilliwack could become a model for other communities
Surrey Creep Catchers continues under seige

Surrey Creep Catchers continues under seige

‘I swear Facebook is messing with me,’ Ryan LaForge says
Free ferry fare for first responders attending Abbotsford officer’s funeral

Free ferry fare for first responders attending Abbotsford officer’s funeral

BC Ferries adding additional sailings day of ceremony
Chilliwack and Sardis Remembrance Day road closures

Chilliwack and Sardis Remembrance Day road closures

Parade route downtown is as usual but for Sardis there are changes
David Lee Roth impersonator accused of Chilliwack sex crimes still on the lam

David Lee Roth impersonator accused of Chilliwack sex crimes still on the lam

Alleged victim of David Kuntz-Angel scared her attacker is on the loose and in the community
PHOTOS & VIDEO: Motorcade carrying Const. John Davidson arrives in Abbotsford

PHOTOS & VIDEO: Motorcade carrying Const. John Davidson arrives in Abbotsford

Hundreds gathered on Abbotsford overpasses to pay tribute to fallen officer.
Missing man last seen downtown Chilliwack on Nov. 4

Missing man last seen downtown Chilliwack on Nov. 4

RCMP asking for people to keep an eye out for Keith Gordon Prosser
Chilliwack looks at alternatives to flaring biogas

Chilliwack looks at alternatives to flaring biogas

Total of $100,000 approved by Chilliwack for a study looking at scrubbing biogas for possible resale
VIDEO: Chilliwack farmers in Victoria for B.C. Ag Day proclamation

VIDEO: Chilliwack farmers in Victoria for B.C. Ag Day proclamation

Hatching egg farmer Sharmain Bennie and Rainbow Greenhouse owner Stan Vander Waal with premier