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$235M budget approval part of Chilliwack school board final meeting

Board to approve next year's budget as trustee wrap up school year
(Black Press file photo)

The Chilliwack school board will wrap up its calendar year with a visit from the education minister this afternoon (June 11), and its final meeting of the year in the evening. 

The agenda for the public meeting, which begins at 5:30 p.m., includes the adoption of the annual budget for the upcoming year and the capital plan, both of which have upcoming deadlines for submission.

Next school year's budget is estimated at just over $235 million. The adoption of the budget comes after a consultation process with the board, stakeholders and the general public. However, the budget could change drastically this year, if the expected additional funding for salary increases is announced by the Ministry of Education and Child Care. 

As for the capital plans, an announcement about approved capital funding is also expected to be made today (June 11) at Sardis Secondary, at a funding announcement from Minister Rachna Singh and Chilliwack MLA Dan Coulter. The district currently has several projects on its 'wish list,' which is submitted annually to the province for consideration. 

At its meeting, the board will look at approving several courses: Drumline 10, 11 and 12 at Sardis Secondary, Outdoor Education 10 at Imagine High, and Criminology 11 at G.W. Graham Secondary. 

The board will also be looking inward, as they go over their self-assessment report. 

Rounding out the agenda, there will be a presentation by the superintendent on the strategic plan, a report from the audit working committee, a BC School Trustees Association report, and an update property bylaw for easements at Stitó:s Lá:lém Toti:lt Elementary Middle school. 

The meeting begins at 5:30 p.m. at the school board office, and the public is welcome to attend. The meeting is also live-streamed on the Chilliwack School District's YouTube channel. 



Jessica Peters

About the Author: Jessica Peters

I am proud to be the editor of the Chilliwack Progress. When not at work, I'm busy hiking our local mountains and travelling around the province.
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