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Don’t misread SOGI opposition: Maahs

Chilliwack trustee says it is ‘irresponsible’ to approve such resources

I don’t like SOGI 123. It’s a resource being proposed for use in our schools. I do, however, love students of all walks of life. I deeply resent and am greatly troubled by the narrative that says if you don’t like SOGI 123 you are against students who are trans or gay. Nothing could be further from the truth. I also don’t like the resources used to teach reading that are based on whole language, profoundly dislike them. Does that mean I’m against children learning to read? That would be a silly assertion. Just as the assertion being made now that if anyone doesn’t like or want SOGI 123 being used in our schools they are against trans or gay students.

Resources that are being used in our schools must be peer reviewed and evidenced based. Anything less is negligent because quite simply, our students have the here and now to learn. There really is no need to experiment when there are bodies of evidence that demonstrate what we know will work in this realm of education. I’d also make the further claim that it is irresponsible of policy makers to approve such resources. And make no mistake, it is up to Boards of Education to approve resources. The government tells us so.

This community elected this board to oversee the education of the students in this city. Debates and discussions are part of that process. Ironically, what has been happening is that name calling and insults are being hurled at anyone who disagrees with implementation of SOGI 123. Ironic because the entire reason so we’re told for the implementation of this resource is to eliminate bullying. I would hope that the adults in this debate can lead by example.

Merry Christmas.

Mrs. Heather Maahs

Trustee, Board of Education

School District 33, Chilliwack, BC