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Can’t we find a middle ground in SOGI debate?

Why can’t the school district strictly focus on eliminating bullying in our schools without promoting SOGI rights, writer asks.

We live in an age of amazing technological advances and scientific breakthroughs. How ironic it is then, that despite such advancements, science has taken a backseat to feelings and opinions in matters of social issues. People have great faith in science … that is, until it conflicts with their personal convictions.

Though there are strict biological barriers with regard to sexuality and reproduction, our society increasingly denies these constraints. Although one’s DNA and physiology clearly determines their sex, their gender is subject to their own inclination. Never mind that a trans-female can never bear children despite undergoing reconstructive surgery and hormone treatments. No, it’s the “feelings” of a person that trump any biological realities. Surely their DNA will adapt to the person’s desires … won’t it?

How has our society devolved to such madness? In this post-truth culture, has this generation become more enlightened and wiser than our forebears and every generation preceding our own? Have we now become the arbiters of truth? I believe someone once said that to deny truth is neither safe nor wise, but isn’t that exactly what this generation is doing? Not only is there a denial of scientific laws, but a rebellion against moral laws where people are asserting their “rights” to be their own “god”, i.e. “nobody’s going to tell me what I can or can’t do.”

To make matters worse, those who have a different, more traditional viewpoint on sexuality are being completely marginalized. They are labeled as being out of touch, intolerant and hateful. Should they endeavour to speak out and stand against the changing ethos on sexuality, they are being shouted down. Reasonable, civil discourse is fast disappearing despite the fact that our constitution ensures that all people are entitled to the freedoms of speech and conscience.

I believe we must all be people who respect the dignity and worth of every human life and treat them with kindness and respect. However, it would be wrong to conflate the worth of people with the validity of the values to which they hold. True tolerance will always respect the person even when we disagree with their values … hopefully amicably.

Why can’t the school district strictly focus on eliminating bullying in our schools without promoting SOGI rights? Can’t we arrive at a compromise? Since there is a strong cultural divide on this issue, why can’t our schools simply stick to education and clamp down on bullying without indoctrination or needing to put special policies in place?

Darrell Johnson
