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Seven Days in Chilliwack - April 16 to 22

A list of entertaining events in Chilliwack for April 16 to 22.
An Intimate Evening with John Mann takes place at the Cultural Centre on April 17. See listing below for more info.

Seven Days is a free A&E listing published in print every Wednesday, and online every Thursday. For more information, or to submit your event, email it to Jenna Hauck at (please include a contact name and number), or call 604-702-5576.

April 17 - There's a Comedy Night fundraiser for Cyrus Centre featuring comedian Leeland Klassen and the Main St, Church Band at 7 p.m. tonight at Chilliwack Alliance Church (8700 Young Rd.). Doors open and dessert buffet at 6:30 p.m. Tickets $20 and available at Cyrus Centre (45845 Wellington Ave.). For more info, contact the centre at 604-795-5773,,

April 17 - John Mann, best known as the lead singer of iconic Canadian rock band Spirit of the West, comes to the Cultural Centre at 7:30 p.m. The show, An Intimate Evening with John Mann will be held in the Rotary Hall Studio Theatre. Tickets $32 and available at the Centre Box Office, or by calling 604-391-SHOW(7469) or online at

April 17 - Pianist Sarah Hagen performs at the Cultural Centre’s Rotary Hall Studio Theatre at 10:30 a.m. in her final instalment of a year-long classical music morning series. Tickets $27/adults, $24/seniors, $22/students and available at the Centre Box Office, or by calling 604-391-SHOW(7469) or online at

April 18 - The Agassiz Monday Painters 54th annual Art Show featuring the works of 25 artists runs today from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Agassiz United Church Hall (6860 Lougheed Hwy.). Free Admission. For more info, call Lynda at 1-604-794-5554.

April 18 - Comedian Derek Edwards bring his Baloney and Wine show to the Cultural Centre at 7:30 p.m. Tickets $44 and available at the Centre Box Office, or by calling 604-391-SHOW(7469) or online at

April 18 - Evensong Chamber Singers present Sing the Beauty of the Earth for its annual spring vespers concert at St Mary’s Catholic Church (8909 Mary St.) at 6:30 p.m. It will be a spring service of sacred music with a professional string quartet and guest soloists, plus readings and prayers. There will be a designated offering for several local relief programs. 604-858-9679

April 19 - Come to a hymn sing-along accompanied by the Chilliwack Songs of Praise Orchestra at 6:30 p.m. at the Salvation Army Church (46420 Brooks Ave.). Attendance is free. For more details, call 604-792-0311.

April 22-26 - The 20th Annual Directors’ Theatre Festival (or D-Fest, as it affectionately known) features a plethora of one-act plays, ranging through the tried and true to original works created by UFV and visiting students. All productions are performed and directed by some of the most talented post-secondary theatre students in B.C. Runs April 22 to 26 at UFV Theatre on Yale Road.

April 22 - The Chilliwack International Film Series runs every Wednesday from April 8 to May 13 at Cottonwood 4 Cinemas at 7 p.m. Tickets $6. Tonight's movie is The Imitation Game. UK/USA, English, 114 min., rated PG13, bio, drama, thriller.

Now to May 9 - Group photo exhibition, Light and Shadow, is on display in the Art Gallery at the Cultural Centre April 2 to May 9. Gallery hours: Wednesdays to Saturdays from noon to 5 p.m., plus some evenings during theatre performances. Free admission.

Now to December - The Sí:tel Coast Salish Baskets exhibition is on display in the Chambers Gallery at the Chilliwack Museum until December. Museum hours are 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mondays to Fridays. Admission $3/general and $2/seniors and students.

Jenna Hauck

About the Author: Jenna Hauck

I started my career at The Chilliwack Progress in 2000 as a photojournalist.
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