Seven Days is a free A&E listing published in print every Wednesday, and online every Thursday. For more information, or to submit your event, email it to Jenna Hauck at (please include a contact name and number), or call 604-702-5576.
April 17 - There's a Comedy Night fundraiser for Cyrus Centre featuring comedian Leeland Klassen and the Main St, Church Band at 7 p.m. tonight at Chilliwack Alliance Church (8700 Young Rd.). Doors open and dessert buffet at 6:30 p.m. Tickets $20 and available at Cyrus Centre (45845 Wellington Ave.). For more info, contact the centre at 604-795-5773,,
April 17 - John Mann, best known as the lead singer of iconic Canadian rock band Spirit of the West, comes to the Cultural Centre at 7:30 p.m. The show, An Intimate Evening with John Mann will be held in the Rotary Hall Studio Theatre. Tickets $32 and available at the Centre Box Office, or by calling 604-391-SHOW(7469) or online at
April 17 - Pianist Sarah Hagen performs at the Cultural Centre’s Rotary Hall Studio Theatre at 10:30 a.m. in her final instalment of a year-long classical music morning series. Tickets $27/adults, $24/seniors, $22/students and available at the Centre Box Office, or by calling 604-391-SHOW(7469) or online at
April 18 - The Agassiz Monday Painters 54th annual Art Show featuring the works of 25 artists runs today from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Agassiz United Church Hall (6860 Lougheed Hwy.). Free Admission. For more info, call Lynda at 1-604-794-5554.
April 18 - Comedian Derek Edwards bring his Baloney and Wine show to the Cultural Centre at 7:30 p.m. Tickets $44 and available at the Centre Box Office, or by calling 604-391-SHOW(7469) or online at
April 18 - Evensong Chamber Singers present Sing the Beauty of the Earth for its annual spring vespers concert at St Mary’s Catholic Church (8909 Mary St.) at 6:30 p.m. It will be a spring service of sacred music with a professional string quartet and guest soloists, plus readings and prayers. There will be a designated offering for several local relief programs. 604-858-9679
April 19 - Come to a hymn sing-along accompanied by the Chilliwack Songs of Praise Orchestra at 6:30 p.m. at the Salvation Army Church (46420 Brooks Ave.). Attendance is free. For more details, call 604-792-0311.
April 22-26 - The 20th Annual Directors’ Theatre Festival (or D-Fest, as it affectionately known) features a plethora of one-act plays, ranging through the tried and true to original works created by UFV and visiting students. All productions are performed and directed by some of the most talented post-secondary theatre students in B.C. Runs April 22 to 26 at UFV Theatre on Yale Road.
April 22 - The Chilliwack International Film Series runs every Wednesday from April 8 to May 13 at Cottonwood 4 Cinemas at 7 p.m. Tickets $6. Tonight's movie is The Imitation Game. UK/USA, English, 114 min., rated PG13, bio, drama, thriller.
Now to May 9 - Group photo exhibition, Light and Shadow, is on display in the Art Gallery at the Cultural Centre April 2 to May 9. Gallery hours: Wednesdays to Saturdays from noon to 5 p.m., plus some evenings during theatre performances. Free admission.
Now to December - The Sí:tel Coast Salish Baskets exhibition is on display in the Chambers Gallery at the Chilliwack Museum until December. Museum hours are 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mondays to Fridays. Admission $3/general and $2/seniors and students.