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Hospice workshop offers ‘care for the caregiver'

On Sept. 27, Chilliwack Hospice is presenting a one-day workshop, Caring for the Caregiver: Ways to Reorganize and Re-energize.
Adventure Challenge

Adventure Challenge

More than 250 people took part in the Adventure Challenge for Kids, a multi-sport fundraiser for the Canucks for Kids Fund.
Jumping for literacy

Jumping for literacy

Chilliwack will be taking part for the first time in Raise-a-Reader Day on Wednesday, Sept. 25.
Terry Fox Fundraiser

Terry Fox Fundraiser

The Branch 4 Legion's Terry Fox head shave fundraiser brought in $530 for the cause.
Super Walkers

Super Walkers

About 50 people gathered to take part in the Parkinson SuperWalk to raise money for the Parkinson Society of B.C. last week.
Healing the hurts of residential schools in Chilliwack

Healing the hurts of residential schools in Chilliwack

Chilliwack resident Isadore Charters shares his story of residential school at this week's Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
Under the wing

Under the wing

A baby chick pokes its head out from underneath its mother's wing in a barn at the Chilliwack Corn Maze last week.
Summer foal

Summer foal

A young foal stays close to its mother while grazing in a field on Camp River Road recently.
Amateur photographer of the year contest winners announced

Amateur photographer of the year contest winners announced

The contest generated more than 2,000 entries, representing 35 B.C. communities, from North Vancouver to Vernon.
4H show includes goats, horses and more at Agassiz Fall Fair

4H show includes goats, horses and more at Agassiz Fall Fair

Program helps develop kids into good citizens, says Schwaerzle