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Alumni clothing sale will help students at Chilliwack's oldest high school

Chilliwack Senior Secondary selling alumni clothing; proceeds go to programs that help school families in need
Chilliwack Senior Secondary School is selling alumni clothing as part of a fundraiser for two school programs. Above, students make their way to class on Sept. 23, 2014.

Chilliwack Senior Secondary School is looking for alumni to take part in a fundraiser which will help current students in need.

The school is having an alumni clothing sale with proceeds going to two programs that help students and their families at Christmas and during graduation.

Hoodies, coats, T-shirts and hats are all available to buy as part of the fundraiser which goes until Nov. 17.

Opened in 1903, Chilliwack Senior Secondary is the oldest high school in Chilliwack.

"We have a lot of alumni, especially in the area still. We continue to take pride in our history of the school as we have all the yearbooks available to view digitally," said Korilea Soltys, CSS career advisor. "We are relying on this pride to help us with a clothing fundraiser to support two programs in our school."

One is the Prom Shop, which is an actual store inside the school where new and gently used prom dresses and suits are loaned out to students in need for free.

"We also arrange hair styling through our hair salon and provide jewelry and accessories as well."

The other program is called Fill-A-Stocking. Last year, the school filled 45 stockings for students and their families at Christmastime with things like gift cards and other holiday items.

People at the school are hoping alumni, or children and grandchildren of alumni, will get in on the clothing fundraiser.

"Maybe even three or four generations want to buy the same hoody and match," Soltys said.

People can order Chilliwack Senior Secondary alumni clothing at Pick-up date is Jan. 16 at the school, or items can be delivered for a fee.

Jenna Hauck

About the Author: Jenna Hauck

I started my career at The Chilliwack Progress in 2000 as a photojournalist.
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