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Time for Canadians to do what’s right for their country

We need to do what we think is right for our own country, not what’s going to benefit the stockholders of the oil companies

Another column from Tom Fletcher in which he brings out the information about those U.S. directed environmental folks and their nefarious ways. Gosh, here they come again, folks. Doesn’t Mr. Fletcher realize that the pipeline companies, the oil sands folks, the proposed refineries, the tankers that will be in our waters, etc., etc., are mostly owned and financed by non-Canadians.

How big a chunk of Canada’s petroleum industry is owned directly or indirectly by the government of China? How big a chunk of Canada, as a nation, is owned by U.S. and other foreign nations and corporations? Even the Hudson’s Bay Company is no longer owned by Canadians. We are a very small frog in a giant pond, financially, and appear to be going down the drain rapidly as we speak.

Why should we who are trying to protect Canadian interests and our national environment not use any help we can get? If the money comes from the U.S. to fight the pipelines, good. If the money comes to keep the tankers out is not directly Canadian, so what? This is a serious business we are involved in here, folks. They are coming at us from all sides and we have to choose what we want to happen in our country despite Mr. Fletcher and the other conspiracy theorists.

We need to do what we think is right for our own country, not what’s going to benefit the stockholders of the oil companies, whether they are in Calgary, Houston or Beijing.

Jerry Riches,
