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LETTER: Decent folks not want to see the slaughter of babies

Issue should have been dealt with while Harper was PM, says letter writer

Re: Letter: “Human rights include rights of women to control their bodies,” Robert T. Rock.

How about if men and women take responsibility over their bodies and not put themselves in the position of compromising the life of a child? Shame on you for supporting the murder of helpless babies. Nobody is arguing spontaneous abortion. I myself have lost two babies, through miscarriage, one almost full term, which was a tragedy and for which I have grieved.

In regard to late term abortions, we had better fight in the early stages before policy is set worldwide and that too gets out of hand. In 2018 there were reported 41 million abortions, and those are only ones that were reported.

As a further note: Not all pro-lifers are men and women of the Word. There are many decent folks who just do not want to see the slaughter of babies. Many people consider it murder, and our government does need to reopen the issue as it is wrong that we have allowed this, and we need to get it right. The babies have rights as well, but their rights are being abused.

You say, “Our laws are not based on scripture and thank goodness for that.” When a country veers from the laws of God, we go downhill and eventually implode. Respect for God’s authority is what has kept this country safe, but I am sorry to say things have gotten worse in that regard over the past decade. This issue should have been reopened in Harper’s era. Had it been, he would likely have served another term.

Nancy Williams