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Keep the labour dispute out of the classroom

I hope teachers stick to the curriculum and not air their side of this labour dispute until they are off school time

I was shocked and appalled when I recently read some quotes in the local newspapers  from children on the teacher’s picket lines.  Some of the phrases came right out of the BCTF handbook, I’m sure and they sounded like little parrots.  Pictures of children also, pulled out of school last Friday, against the principal’s advice, to hold up picket signs in protest.  This is an all time low, even for teachers.

I am so tired of my kids coming home every day complaining about the teachers talking non-stop during class time, whining and griping  about how bad they have it and that they, the students, are the ones who are being short-changed on their education.   Now, I’m pretty sure that Labour Relations is not part of the curriculum in either Middle or High School.  So why are our teachers forcing  our children to listen to their grievances and complaints, basically, brainwashing them.  It’s not like they can get up and walk out.  And why have they been getting away with this?

If teachers genuinely want to take this unfortunate situation and turn it into a learning opportunity, they should have a member from the Ministry of Education present and someone to represent the average parent  present and have a debate or meeting with an open forum, so that each group has equal opportunity to say their piece.  Older children should be given only the facts and be allowed to form their own opinion.  I think it goes without saying, but I don’t think this kind of discussion has any place in Elementary School  but, unfortunately, they are subjected to it too.  Maybe while they’re at it (though, I doubt they really understand it), they could give a basic lesson in Economics,  i.e.,  Don’t spend money you don’t have.

Now, I doubt that this type of lesson would ever happen.  In the meantime,  I hope teachers stick to the curriculum they were hired to teach and not air their side of this labour dispute until they are off school time and off school property.

Margaret  Dey,

Chilliwack, BC