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Trustee candidate Walt Krahn

School District 33: Krahn, Walt - school trustee: Current board chair seeks second term on Chilliwack Board of Education
Walt Krahn.

Chilliwack School Board Chair Walt Krahn is seeking a second term as a Trustee. The former principal of Promontory Heights and Little Mountain schools is a long time Chilliwack resident.

“Our students, teachers, staff and community are so important, and my focus is on providing young people every opportunity to build success,” he said. “Now that we’ve all returned to our schools, I want to be involved in the collaboration and communication efforts we will need to build new bridges between students, parents, teachers, school staff members, trustees and the community. We are all in this together.”

Krahn’s priorities include building efficiencies in all areas, allocating maximum funding for student learning and improving student achievement.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed my first term,” he said. “I believe we started with a good district, and we moved to a great district over the past three years, by connecting with stakeholders to give them all a voice.  I want to keep moving forward with the district to continue this process and to keep building our success.”

For more information, check Krahn’s blog at, or follow him on Facebook.

Vote Walt Krahn for Chilliwack School District Trustee on Nov. 15th.