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LETTER: CN Rail should do what’s right for Chilliwack hero

‘They should be ashamed, instead they’re shameless’
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I find it absolutely appalling what Canadian National Railway (CNR) is putting Julie Callaghan through, where it’s apparent that common sense is not so common for this company.

They should be ashamed, instead they’re shameless.

To think that this has been going on since 2018 is even more ludicrous. The fact remains that this was a CN epic failure, hence their repairing the tracks to avoid such fatalities in the future. As if Julie hasn’t been through enough, I could not imagine the trauma she would relive every single day of her life adding to that the pain she experiences minute by minute.

Top that off with the fact this has been ongoing for over five years with another year remaining. Not only is CNR displaying disrespect they also have left Julie with no dignity. Her strength to carry this weight is simply astonishing. What’s a couple million compared to CNR’s stock price at 168.36, and their annual income at $12.548 billion. How about they let go of the top dog vs. underdog and just do what’s right.

Cathey Crowley

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